Twitter is in a weird phase now, with some people even doubting its future, but one thing no one can doubt is how important Twitter has played in allowing customers to complain directly to brands and getting their voices heard.
But what is a great tool for customers becomes an image problem for brands, as a large number of customers tag brands in their complaint tweets, and potential customers are driven away.
Customer post-sales experience has far overtaken price and product and is now the most important criterion for customers in their buyer journey.
But how big is the change? A study by PwC points out that 86% of customers consider a positive post-sales experience as their top priority, and seeing negative tweets will only stop your potential customers from becoming your customers.
Leading e-commerce brands have made providing a positive post-sales experience with their top priority, so much so that according to a Gartner research in 2022, 81% of the e-commerce brands compete mostly or completely on the post-sales experience.
In our study of complaints on Twitter, the most number of tweets were found to be regarding a brand's warranty process, which frustrated customers complying about their warranties not being processed in time.
What are customers saying about the warranty process of leading brands?

What has forced customers to take to Twitter?
Customers often have to go through a lot of hassle while claiming warranties, be it finding the necessary documents or endless calls with your customer support team.
Customers, when claiming a warranty, have to first find old purchase bills and warranty documents to even get started with the process. Owing to the large volume of consumer products purchased by customers these days, it is nearly impossible to secure old documents of every purchase.
Not being able to find the correct documents eliminates around 50% of the user from even claiming a warranty. This is an extremely bad experience for any customer not only will he lose faith in your brand but will also advise their friends and family, to not buy from you.
Even if a customer can find their documents, brands require customers to go to the exact dealer they bought their product from to replace it. In a world where buying is a matter of clicks and people are constantly on the move a large number of customers move away from their buying location which makes them ineligible for their warranty claim.
But inefficient warranty communication takes the top spot when brands request a warranty claim, they expect to hear back. But small team sizes, high product sales, et, puts a lot of stress on the customer support teams resulting in efficient communication, pending claims and frustrated customers.
Find out the top 5 warranty registration software going into 2023
How can you avoid this?
Advanced warranty management software like NeuroWarranty are solutions that automate and digitize your warranty management processes end to end.
Warranty management software NeuroWarranty does that by replacing your paper-based warranty process with a QR code-based warranty process. QR code-based warranty cards are placed on the product or inside the product packaging.
As end customers scan the QR code to register their product, they get directed to a custom build page that gets brands' valuable data like Names, email ids, phone numbers and more.
After successfully registering their product, customers no longer have to secure purchase bills and warranty cards. Customers can now register, claim and manage all their product warranties on a single screen and with a single click.
We hope you found our blog helpful. The NeuroWarranty warranty software is trusted by 100s of leading brands including - Syska, JCB, and ResQtech. You can sign up for the warranty management software by scheduling a demo and getting a free 14-day trial here - get a demo when you schedule a demo, an account manager will contact you and organize a call to discuss your business requirements.