Personalized email campaigns to increase repeat sales

A personalized email campaign is a specific type of segmented email marketing that can help you increase repeat sales.

The idea behind personalized email campaigns is to send automated emails to customers who have already purchased from your company. This is done by creating an automated email sequence that will be sent to each customer after they have made their first purchase to increase repeat purchases.

Personalized email campaigns allow you to connect with the customer on a one-on-one basis, which can help drive repeat sales and increase customer retention.

Segment email campaigns to boost repeat sales

segment customers to improve personalized email marketing

Segmented marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to acquire new customers and increase repeat sales. Segment customers into groups based on their behaviour and preferences. You can then send targeted offers based on what they have bought in the past or what they have shown interest in. For example, if someone has purchased a mobile phone from you in the past, they may be interested in other items that would go well with this purchase.

Personalized email campaigns are an effective way to get customers to buy again from you.

To get started with personalization, you first need to segment your audience into groups based on their behaviour and preferences. You can then tailor your message to each group's needs, increasing engagement and conversion rates.

How can you segment your audience? Here are three ways:

 Segment customers based on purchase history: 

When it comes to email campaigns, don't underestimate the power of recommending products based on past purchases or browsing patterns. If a customer buys a pair of shoes from you once, they may come back for another colour or style if they see it in their inbox.

Segment customers based on online behaviour:  

Personalized emails aren't just about what people buy; they're also about how they behave online — what websites they visit and how frequently they use them, how often they open emails from you and how many links they click through. All this data can help tailor messages that resonate with specific groups of people.

Segment customers by demographics: 

Perhaps your company wants to target men vs women or millennials vs baby boomers (or any other demographic). 

Getting data of your customers is the first step to building any segmented campaign, but at a time when a large number of brands are dependent on marketplaces like Amazon to sell their products, how can your brand get data of your end customers?

Create an automated personalized email sequence to increase repeat sales

automated campaigns to improve personalized email marketing

With the right email automation in place, you can create a personalized email sequence that will automatically send out new products and deals to your existing customers to increase repeat sales.

Here's how you can set an automated personalized email sequence to increase repeat sales - 

First, you set up an automated email campaign based on a trigger. Triggers are criteria — like when a customer purchases an item or reaches a certain point in their purchase history — that tell your email automation software when to send out an email. For example, if you have a customer who has purchased several times before and hasn't made a purchase in over 30 days, you can have your software send them an email offering 20% off their next purchase.

Next, you set up what's called an "autoresponder." When someone receives an autoresponder message in their inbox, they'll see different messages based on what triggered them (their purchase history or another criterion). Each time they receive another message in that sequence, they'll see different content based on the same trigger (for example, if they respond to one of those emails).

Use abandoned cart emails to encourage immediate sales

segment customers to improve personalized email marketing

According to a study by the Baymard Institute, 68% of shopping carts are abandoned before they’re completed, which means you could be losing out on potential sales.

This is where an abandoned cart email comes in: it’s a last-ditch attempt to get customers who have decided against completing their purchase to reconsider.

Here are some tips for how to use abandoned cart emails more effectively:

  1. Target your audience
  2. Include something unique about the product or service that was abandoned
  3. Include a discount or free shipping offer that’s specific to the item(s) left in the cart and only available through this email campaign
  4. Offer free shipping with no minimum order commitment

Include personalized product recommendations in all emails

product reccomendations to improve personalized email marketing

Personalized product recommendations are a great way to encourage repeat purchases by showing off the products that customers have previously purchased or looked at on your website. This is a great way to get people to buy more from you, as they will already have an idea of what they like from their previous purchase history.

You can generate customer profiles based on past purchases and other data points. This can include demographic information (age, location, gender), behavioural data (purchase history, browsing habits), or even psychographic information (personality traits).

Using these profiles to send personalized product recommendations with every email campaign can provide a significant boost to your repeat sales.

A/B Test and optimize your emails based on effectiveness

A/B test campaign to improve personalized email marketing

Once you've designed your email template, it's time to test it. Test your segmentation and subject lines, and make sure there are no issues with content delivery or image sizes. Once you know that everything is working properly, A/B test the different variations of your email to see what works best.

Make sure you're tracking metrics like open rate and click-through rate (CTR) so that you can determine which version is generating more responses from your audience. If a certain version has a lower open rate but higher CTR, then it's worth continuing to send that version versus the other one. 

If you take the time to personalize your emails, you will be rewarded with repeat sales from beloved customers. You can use personalized emails to increase repeat sales and retain customers. Personalized emails have been proven to bring as much as a 75%increase in repeat sales.

Getting data of your customers is the first step to building any segmented campaign, but at a time when a large number of brands are dependent on marketplaces like Amazon to sell their products, how can your brand get data of your end customers?

NeuroWarranty is your one stop solution that can get you data of both your marketplace(Amazon) and reatil customers. Having worked with the leading consumer brands, NeuroWarranty has helped brands like Syska increase their repeat sales by up to 180%, to know how NeuroWarranty can bring you data of your Amazon and retail customers, Book a demo now.

To know more about how your brand can use email marketing and increase repeat sales by up to 180%, read this blog on the comprehensive guide to increasing repeat sales.